Access the profile via
- The main menu
- The dropdown in menu of the production tool
Here you can change several settings.
Note: after any change made the stream needs to be restarted before the changes take into effect.
- Name
- Last name
- Email address
- Role: assigned role and rights. Learn more about roles here.
- Team: you are assigned to. Only productions and assets assigned to this team will be visible. Learn more about teams here.
Note: The role and team can only be changed by the administrator of the account
Stream settings
- Region: the region you are streaming from. In order to get the lowest latency, select the region closest to you location.
- Video quality: quality of your video stream
- Video bitrate: bitrate of the your video. Learn more about the bitrate here.
- Audio bitrate: bitrate of the your audio. Learn more about the bitrate here.
- UDP: A faster but less reliable streaming protocol. Only turn this on when your connection is bad and you encounter serious streaming issues. The advantage is that UDP has less latency, but it is also less reliable. Learn more about UDP here.
- Noise cancelling: Reduce the surrounding sounds
Production settings
- Video preview: Defines how the preview videos are loaded in the production tool. When your internet connection is not optimal, or your device has troubles rendering all the videos, you can lower the video quality for a better performance.
- Chroma key: define the quality of the chromakey when you want to remove you brackground using a green key.