Add fan rooms to the station switchers
1. Login
- Use the island credentials to log in to the studio
2. Search & enter the station switcher
- On the dashboard you have the events of that day
Search for the event via the search bar
- by name
- by day
- by venue abbreviation
- Click on the correct station switcher event to enter it
3. Add Fan rooms
- Go to the scene panel (second button on the right)
- Click on the "+ button" in the middle bar at the right of the screen
- Select "add fanroom" in the popup
- Search for the fan room you want to add
!! NOTE: Add the start hour in the dropdown for that fan room
- This start hour is taken into account for moderating the guests.
4. Remove fan rooms
- Go to the scene panel (second button on the right)
- Select the correct fan room that can be deleted by clicking in the top video section
- the selected fan room is in the middle of the screen (in big box)
- Press the delete button in the middle bar at the right of the screen
- !! NOTE: be aware to select the right fan room before deleting it. It should be shown in the middle of the video section in the big box