With this panel you create/ edit scenes into macros, independently from the switch panel.
There are 5 elements in this panel
- The scenes: list of all scenes
- The preview: of the selected scene with the content under it
- Actions: all actions possible to edit the scene
- Scene menu: where you can add & remove new scenes, rename it and give it a color
- Scene content: the content, layers, audio and options to set up the scene in a macro
An overview of all the existing scenes.
The border colors indicate the state of the scene:
- White: Scene is selected
- Green: Scene is in preview
- Red: Scene is in program
Note that a selected scene always has a white border, even when it is in program or preview.
The selected scene will be shown in preview. The border will indicate if the scene is used in preview (green) or program (red).
Media controls: to control the graphics and (replay) clips
- Previous / next clip or graphic
- Play / pauze clip
- Restart clip
- Cue in: set the cue in point of the clip
- Slo-mo options: change the speed of the (replay) clips
Scene Menu
- Rename scene: Give it a different name
- Color code: Give it a color in the grid to stand out
- Add scene: Create a new scene
- Delete scene: Remove the scene and content
Scene Content
Add content, layers, audio streams, and transitions to the source to transform a source into a scene or macro.
Content: Shows the content and options
- Streams: only 1 stream can be added per scene
- Graphics - (replay) Clips: multiple assets can be added, reordered and selected
- Guests: Only 1 guest can be added per scene, option to control the quality of the guests stream are shown
- Websource: Only 1 URL can be added
- Layouts: The boxes from the layout are shown and can be filled up with other added sources/scenes
- Layers: Add layers as a graphic or web source to that scene only (Keys are shown on all scenes, these layers are only added to this scene). They need to be created in 1920x1080 size.
- Audio: Select the audio streams for that scene by toggling on the streams
Options: Per content type there are different options
- Transitions: Add a stinger and define the switch point (if it is semi transparant)
- Clip options: set up how clips need to play out
- Chromakey: Remove the background for guests if they have a greenscreen