Manage the global layers or keys on this panel.
There are 5 boxes available for global layers for which you can use graphics, web sources and tweets.
There are 4 elements in this panel
- Preview: all layer groups, and the selected one is shown in the preview, on top of the program output
- Actions: Activate the layers in the output, go to the previous/ next layer (in the same group)
- Key menu: add or delete a new layer group and refresh the layer (if needed)
- Content: the layers added per box
Key types
- Graphics: add 1 or more graphics as layer, only 1 can be shown per box
- Web sources: add a web URL of Flowics, Singular or Dizplai and the html5 layer will be shown
- Tweets: add one or more hashtags, and a list of tweets will appear. You can select tweets, edit them and style the layout.
An overview of all the existing layer boxes.
The border colors indicate the state of the key:
- Grey: not selected, not active
- White: selected, can be active or not
- Red: not selected, active
! Note: the selected scene content is shown in the bottom part and that it will only appear in the preview when activated.
- Eye button: (de)activate the layer in the output
- Arrows: Show the previous or next graphic in the group
Key menu
- Refresh button (websource only): refresh the webURL link in case of connection issues
- "+" button: add a new layer group
- Bin: delete the layer group
- Select the content you want to show, it functions the same way as the arrows in the action bar.
- Add or delete graphics from the layer box
- "+" button: add/delete/pauze a hashtag or handle and twitter is scraped for tweets
- Check mark: select tweets you want to show
- Pen (on hover): click to edit the tweets
- Options: style the tweet layout